Projects I’m Supporting, Part Eleven

It’s been a minute since I did one of these. That doesn’t mean I stopped supporting projects throughout the pandemic — I just forgot to post about them! Here’s a list of projects I’ve supported over the last few months. There are some Kickstarters in there that are currently going, too, if you’re interested in backing something before the holiday season gets going!

Continue reading “Projects I’m Supporting, Part Eleven”

Take the #CowboyBebopChallenge and Buy a Concert Ticket for a Local Student!


Ten years ago this month, back when I was a full-time magazine editor, I had the pleasure of witnessing the birth of a dream in real time.

I’d spent several months in late 2007/early 2008 shadowing a local teacher named Betsey Zenk and her autistic student Latron Dodd. Latron didn’t read, write or talk but he had perfect pitch. Betsey used her music therapy background to connect with him through music. Shortly before winter break, she taught Latron some chords on a piano. When he returned, he was playing parts of “Moonlight Sonata.” Betsey was amazed. Through music, she began to see something come alive in Latron and she wanted to nurture that spark. Continue reading “Take the #CowboyBebopChallenge and Buy a Concert Ticket for a Local Student!”