Queen City Black Comix Day Wrap-Up

katrina jonesOn Aug. 29, Midwest BSFA held their first Queen City Black Comix Day.  Nine creative artists collected together to talk to attendees about their art, comic genres, artistic techniques and what inspires them. Geeks of varying ages traveled across Cincinnati to the St. Bernard library branch to discuss and share their love of comic books. Continue reading “Queen City Black Comix Day Wrap-Up”

Interview with Writer Milton Davis

milton-davisGeorgia-based indie writer Milton Davis is raising money for Changa and the Jade Obelisk, a sword and soul animated adventure based on his novel Changa’s Safari. In the first episode, Changa, a young prince vowing to seek revenge for the death of his father and free his family and people from captivity, faces off against the sorceress Bahati and her evil horde of Hyena Men. We caught up with Davis as he prepared to participate in several panel discussions at this year’s DragonCon and asked him to tell us more about how he creates.  Continue reading “Interview with Writer Milton Davis”

ARE YOU READY? Queen City Black Comix Day – This Saturday, Aug. 29!

QCBCD flierQueen City Black Comix Day is finally here! We’re looking forward to seeing all of your lovely faces this Saturday, Aug. 29! Here’s our final lineup of participants:

Andre Batts
Joseph Pledger
Katrina Jones
Asherah Bealer
Jahzeel Gidron
Chad Taylor
Jamilah McDowell
Nikia Prince

COSTUME CONTEST: The kids costume contest, which will be judged by local cosplayer Sebastian Hexx, will start at 2 p.m. There are two categories: 1-12 years old and 13-19 years old. Prizes go to the winner of each category!

LOGISTICS: The St. Bernard library branch is on the corner of McClelland Ave. and Vine St. in the St. Bernard neighborhood (the address is 10 McClelland Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45217) and there is a parking lot available a half block east of the building.

See you there!

“Hood” Cosplays: Yea or Nah?

linkIn late June, I was trying to think up a quick cosplay for Anime Midwest and one of the characters that popped into my head was a genderflip of Thug!Nagisa from 50% Off! I already owned the right colored wig and I could’ve easily pulled together Nagisa’s school uniform. Just about everyone who’s watched Free! has seen 50% Off! so it wasn’t beyond reason that this cosplay would leave my fellow con goers in stitches. One knee slap and a hardy guffaw later, it was off the table. The more I thought about accessories for the cosplay, the more uncomfortable it made me. It brought up a couple of very important questions: What makes someone a “thug”? What makes something “thuggish”? Hmmm… Continue reading ““Hood” Cosplays: Yea or Nah?”