Queen City Black Comix Day Participant Derrick Dankwa

derrick dankwa

Illustrator/musician Derrick Dankwa is coming to Queen City Black Comix Day on June 25! Danwka received his BFA from the Art Academy of Cincinnati in 2015 and is currently working on his own comic series, Antonym, which follows the story of two rival samurai, who also happen to be siblings. Alongside his illustrative work, he recently released a rap/hip-hop CD called HEAT. Continue reading “Queen City Black Comix Day Participant Derrick Dankwa”

Jamilah McDowell Returns to Queen City Black Comix Day

300x300Jamilah McDowell, a biology major at the University of Cincinnati’s Blue Ash campus, returns to Queen City Black Comix Day on June 25! She will display some of her paintings and sell postcard versions of them at the event. McDowell is responsible for many of our event flyers and our super dope mascot, Frobot!

Continue reading “Jamilah McDowell Returns to Queen City Black Comix Day”

Check Out Midwest BSFA at Pandoracon This Fall!

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Midwest BSFA is participating in a panel on cyberfunk at Pandoracon this fall! What is cyberfunk? Like the genre from which it gains inspiration, cyberpunk, cyberfunk is a genre of speculative fiction centered on the transformative effects of advanced science, information technology, computers and networks (“cyber”) coupled with a breakdown or radical change in the social order. Unlike cyberpunk, however, cyberfunk is expressed through an African/Black lens (“funk”). The “Cyberfunk: Cyberpunk from an African-American Perspective” panel will feature Milton Davis, the editor of the cyberfunk anthology The City, via Skype. Pandoracon, Nov. 11-13, Blue Ash, OH, http://thepandorasociety.com/pandoracon/